*Note: always center-align the author blocks. If the team has 5 members, put 3 at the top row and 2 at the bottom row. First author is the team lead.

Alice Wang School of Governance Hogwarts University Scotland, UK

Bob Smith School of Engineering Hogwarts University Scotland, UK

Charlie Devi School of Business Hogwarts University Scotland, UK

Dan Kim Form 5 Hogwarts School Scotland, UK

Eve Nguyen Form 5 Hogwarts School Scotland, UK

Frank Müller Form 4 Hogwarts School Scotland, UK

Abstract—This is where you write your abstract of your solution in 2023 characters or less. Splitting into paragraphs is encouraged. How long is 2023 characters? Approximately the length of the following three blocks of sample text.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non augue eget urna tempus imperdiet sed vel augue. Praesent ullamcorper tortor a enim ultricies, quis auctor risus scelerisque. Sed rutrum, lorem nec ullamcorper pretium, tortor mauris interdum sapien, at laoreet tellus nulla at augue. Aliquam elementum, leo ac placerat tempus, ex nisl aliquet velit, malesuada hendrerit orci tortor et dolor. Nunc ullamcorper sem in quam finibus, a feugiat sem placerat. Maecenas eget feugiat eros. Fusce eleifend id sem quis efficitur. Vestibulum congue, neque id maximus feugiat, elit odio feugiat urna, non sollicitudin quam metus vitae ligula. Donec nisl libero, rutrum at tellus in, tempor sollicitudin dui. Suspendisse nulla lorem, congue ut mauris sit amet, viverra lobortis tellus. Vivamus rutrum bibendum nisl, eu vulputate erat fermentum nec. Aliquam accumsan risus eget leo mollis, in venenatis nunc ornare. Aenean porttitor, turpis eget commodo ornare, mi sem facilisis justo, vitae blandit lacus turpis quis dolor. Nulla facilisi. Praesent id interdum est, id gravida quam. Nulla sit amet fermentum eros, blandit bibendum quam.

Curabitur id tortor odio. Sed non suscipit elit. Suspendisse fermentum viverra urna, sit amet pellentesque metus molestie ac. Sed sed vestibulum purus, sed finibus risus. Curabitur pulvinar erat sit amet est sollicitudin porta. Nunc orci diam, malesuada eget volutpat in, aliquet id est. Suspendisse pellentesque arcu sapien, sit amet ornare lorem ornare ac. Mauris sit amet ante eget ex convallis tristique in egestas nibh. Nullam luctus, quam ut faucibus euismod, felis sem consectetur odio, quis scelerisque justo neque sed eros. Curabitur porttitor risus mauris, vitae porta nulla scelerisque id. Praesent nec quam vel nibh interdum interdum sed eu lorem. Donec fermentum sit amet urna ac mattis.

Vestibulum tincidunt eleifend dapibus. Sed diam dolor, viverra nec nisi eu, dictum aliquam nulla.

Category—Identify which 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) the project falls under, such as healthcare, anti-poverty, equal-opportunity education, employment equality, industry 4.0, food supply chain, drinking water. SDG—3, 1, 4, 5, 9, 2, 6 (UN Sustainable Development Goals)

1. Problem Statement

Define the problem or value proposition. What value or problem is your solution adding or solving?

The problem is a complex challenge that involves various parties where incentives must be provided for coordination, reconciliation, and so forth.

From the business perspective, the problem exists due to insufficient trust and the effort to build that trust is an insurmountable obstacle without the use of some technology to help coordinate and reconcile.

1.1. Subsection

You can divide your answer into subsections. To add a subsection, select and copy one such as the one for this subsection and paste it.

1.2. Subsection

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut non augue eget urna tempus imperdiet sed vel augue. Praesent ullamcorper tortor a enim ultricies, quis auctor risus scelerisque.